Sunday, January 28, 2007

Ten Suggestions for Getting Along Better with People

I read this list on the Internet and I thought it was worthy of passing along. I hope it causes you to pause and think about your actions.

Ten Suggestions for Getting Along Better with People:

1. Guard your tongue. Say less than you think.

2. Make promises sparingly. Keep them faithfully.

3. Never let an opportunity pass to say a kind word.

4. Be interested in others, their pursuits, work, families.

5. Be cheerful. Don't dwell on minor aches and small disappointments.

6. Keep an open mind. Discuss but don't argue. Disagree without being disagreeable.

7. Discourage gossip. It's destructive.

8. Be careful of others' feelings.

9. Pay no attention to ill-natured remarks about you. Live so that nobody will believe them.

10. Don't be anxious about getting credit. Just do your best and be patient.

Here are a couple of other thoughts.

When weighing the fault of others, be careful not to put your thumb on the scale. Criticism, like rain, should be gentle enough to nourish one's growth without destroying one's roots.

Mark Twain once said "Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great."

Burton Fletcher

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